SimFlite Minnesota is a pilot training center located in the Anoka County-Blain Airport. Get these certificate ratings: Private, Commercial, Instrument, & ATP. Visit our modern facility today.
Simflite - The Intelligent Way to Fly
Flight Proficiency by SimFlite
Our mission is to help pilots get the training they need so their dreams can take flight. It is finally affordable to fly intelligently. If you are working on achieving a specific rating, want to learn new technology, or just keep your skills sharp, we have the simulators to help you attain your aviation goals and dreams. Our elite simulation systems are your effective partner to increase your piloting skills. Today’s demanding aviation environment offers an increasing challenge to students and pilots. Select your goals and let SimFlite help you achieve them.
Better Flights with SimFlite.
SimFlite Solutions: Instrument Currency, Multi Engine & Glass Panel Proficiency, Interview Preparation, Medical Certification, Up-to-Date Ratings, and Safety. Go to calendar to schedule your flight today.
Our SIMS systems are also used for multi-engine training, interview preparation, G1000 training, GPS, and autopilot training. Visuals are projected onto a large screen where a variety of weather conditions can be selected. Such examples as shoot for an approach to minimums, and your runway will come pillowing out of the fog and mist. Increased capability is added with a Garmin 430 WAAS GPS and KAP/ KFC autopilot. The G1000 simulator includes the GFC 700 integrated autopilot. Pick your flights, landings and weather conditions to fit your skills.
About Our Team - Offering SIMS & GPS Training in the Twin Cities Area

Tom Schmeltzer
Phone: 651-260-1853

Steve Thibault
Phone: 612-508-5539

Russ Callendar

Mike Danielson
Choose From Two Powerful Simulators
Standard RC-1 Simulator (12 Aircraft Models) and our G1000 Glass Panel Simulator.
The new Elite sims, technically called advanced aviation training devices (AATD) offer pilots extremely cost effective ways to increase their proficiency. Driven by powerful computers, they offer impressive service to the serious pilot. Whether you want increased proficiency, instrument currency, a partial IPC, acquire instrument rating, or learning glass panel simulation, we have the current simulators for your needs.